School-Based Mental Health Consulting Initiative

7-Dippity has recently started a new initiative to support school districts seeking to enhance mental health programs and services for students and staff.  

Many school districts across the country are in the process of increasing mental health programs and services for students, families, employees and their school communities.  This comes at a time when school districts are facing unprecedented challenges related to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, staffing shortages, threats of school shootings and increased natural disasters, coupled with legislative and funding changes.  Many school districts have become or are in the process of becoming the largest mental health providers in their communities.  This can be overwhelming for district employees who must also contend with a host of other disruptive and challenging circumstances, all while ensuring the academic success of students.  If your district is looking for assistance in this effort, consider giving us a call.

As one of the nation’s leading mental health consulting firms, we have decades of experience working with school districts and communities to build capacity to better understand and support mental health needs.  From conducting needs assessments and resource mapping to facilitating professional development workshops to strategic planning and program implementation, we have an extensive track record of successfully supporting school districts in need of enhancing mental health knowledge, programs and services.  

Some of our mental health-related consulting services include:

Harmonize® Software:

In addition to consulting services, we offer subscriptions to our cloud-based software application, Harmonize®, a collaborative partnership and resource management tool. Harmonize® was developed to help school districts better manage community partnerships and improve access to information on mental health and other resources for students, families and employees.

Harmonize® Software helps school districts:

For more information on how we can help your school district better support mental health, contact us at (305) 535-0914 or by email at: